
What is Invisalign ?


Straightening teeth now has a CLEAR alternative – Invisalign !


Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign offers a new possibility to align your teeth without wearing braces. By using clear aligners, Invisalign can move teeth to where your dentist want, to create beautiful smiles.

What are the benefits of Invisalign ?


Almost invisible

Clear aligner are transparent and highly aesthetic if they are worn correctly. You can take selfie or wefie without hiding your smile.

Clean and improved oral hygiene

Clear aligners are removable! You can brush and floss your teeth just like before. Much easier than wearing metal braces. You will be changing to a new pair of aligners every week. A clean mouth is a healthy mouth. 


Our aligner are made of SmartTrack material (premium, medical grade multilayer polyurethane resin) which is flexible and precisely trimmed to gum line for maximum comfort and aesthetic. Studies have shown that Invisalign is less painful compared to metal braces and bringing less gum irritation/mouth ulcers.

Less and shorter dental visit

Clear aligner patient can be maintained at longer interval. Together with clinical monitoring software like Dental Monitoring, your teeth progress can be virtually monitored weekly to avoid off-tracking. At the end of treatment, you will be spending less time and appointments to get your teeth aligned. Time is money !

Sport friendly

Our aligner are removable which make contact sport such as basketball, rugby and martial art safer for kids and teens.  Simply remove your aligners before your game and keep them in aligner box.

Enjoy your favourite food

Avoiding certain food (too hard, chewy, sticky) due to wearing braces is a big headache, which can really ruin a special celebration. You can simply remove the aligner if wearing Invisalign to enjoy your special moment and pop them back after the meal.



Why I should get my Invisalign from my trusted dentist?

Invisalign is fully customised and tailor-made for each patient. Each dentist may have different treatment objectives and desired outcome. We will adjust the tooth position manually in the software, adjust the staging (which teeth move first) to make your treatment plan more predictable. Of course, the end results and length of treatment may vary too.

Invisalign VS Braces

Does clear aligner has poorer finishing or result?

Not true. If planned and executed correctly, Invisalign can achieve excellent results too, sometimes in shorter time because it can move certain teeth in certain direction only while using other teeth as anchorage.

Why not other clear aligner?

There are many other new clear aligners in the market. Invisalign is the pioneer of the industry. FDA approved Invisalign in 1998 and has treated 9 million patients to date. All the data was analysed using artificial intelligence (AI). The system learned how to align teeth better, faster and more predictably in future cases. Other aligner system may look very similar but there are noticeable differences.

Watch this video to see how it works?

Clear Aligner Video

Find out more about cost of Invisalign treatment and flexible payment plan by contacting us here.


Check out the treatable conditions by Invisalign here.


Learn more dental tips here.

30 thoughts on “Invisalign”

  1. Hi, how much is consultation fee for invisalign, and estimated aligner fee, also fee for teeth removal if required. Thanks

  2. How long does it takes to fit and have it ready? Pls advise how many visits to the dentist? The cost? My daughter have a vampire tooth that needs to be extracted first.

  3. Hi, how much is consultation fee, and estimated aligner fee, also fee for teeth removal if required. Thanks

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