What is wisdom tooth?
Wisdom tooth are the third permanent molars that grow at the back of your gums and are the last teeth to erupt. Usually most people have 4 wisdom teeth. However, it can vary, some may have only two or even none.
Wisdom teeth tend to grow in between the ages of 17-25. Sometimes, there is no enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to grow properly and they can emerge at an angle or get stuck. Wisdom teeth like this are known as impacted.
When to make an appointment
If your wisdom teeth are causing pain, it is better to visit us for a check-up. From there, we can advise you whether they need to be removed. Sometimes, we will carry out an X-ray to give a clearer view of the the position of teeth.
Why are wisdom teeth removed?
Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Only those impacted wisdom teeth that causing pain or discomfort are indicated for removal. They can lead to more serious dental problems if left untreated.
- Tooth decay, especially at the adjacent molar which is usually hard to detect
- Pericoronitis (inflammation of soft tissue around the affected tooth)
- Abscess or swelling
How wisdom teeth are removed
You’ll usually be given a local anaesthesic injection to numb the area around the tooth. You’ll feel some pressure just before the tooth is removed, as the dentist needs to loosen the tooth by rocking the tooth back and forth.
A small cut in the gum is sometimes necessary to expose the tooth which is then may need to be cut into smaller pieces before it’s removed.
It takes anything from a few minutes to 30 minutes, or sometimes even longer, to remove a wisdom tooth.
After your wisdom teeth have been removed, you may have some swelling and discomfort. It may last 3-4 days and we advise soft diet and light work during this recovery phase.
Find out more about cost of wisdom tooth removal by contacting us here.
Hi there,
May I know what’s the price range for wisdom tooth removal?
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Appreciate your advice on cost for wisdom tooth removal, xray, consultation and cleaning price. Thanking you in advance.
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How much cost extration wisdom
Hi, May I know the price for wisdom tooth removal ?
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Hi , may i know the price removal for wisdom tooth removal ?
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Hi, May I know the price for wisdom tooth removal ?
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Hi, may I know the price range for wisdom teeth removal?
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Request for wisdom tooth removal, xray, consultation and cleaning price
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May I know what’s the price range for wisdom tooth removal?
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Pm harga
May I know the cost of wisdom tooth extract?
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May I know the cost of wisdom tooth extraction?
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May I know the cost of wisdom tooth extraction?
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Hi, may I check with you how is the pricing for
1. wisdom tooth extraction with surgery
2. coronectomy
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May I know how much of minor oral surgery to remove the wisdom teeth
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How much is the cost Wisdom tooth removal. Inside the gum and bone.
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Hi there can you advise
a) what is price for consult/xray/procedure for 1 wisdom tooth removal
b) can everything be done in one appointment consult/xray&procedure?
c) can you confirm dissolvable stitches are used so no need to return to clinic again to remove stitches
Looking to travel to JB to do this treatment and will only be in JB for only couple days.
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