- 蛀牙,特别是在相邻的臼齿处,通常很难检测到
- 冠心炎(患牙周围的软组织发炎)
- 脓肿或肿胀
拔掉智齿后,您可能会有些肿胀和不适。它可能会持续3-4天,我们建议您在恢复阶段保持饮食清淡和轻度工作。 一般以半流质饮食及软食为宜。
与我们联系 以了解有关智齿去除成本 和更多信息 点击这里。
Hi there,
May I know what’s the price range for wisdom tooth removal?
PM done.
Appreciate your advice on cost for wisdom tooth removal, xray, consultation and cleaning price. Thanking you in advance.
Hi, pm done. Please check your email. You can also reach us by whatsapp +6011-65382828.
How much cost extration wisdom
Hi, May I know the price for wisdom tooth removal ?
PM done
Hi , may i know the price removal for wisdom tooth removal ?
PM done
Hi, May I know the price for wisdom tooth removal ?
PM done
Hi, may I know the price range for wisdom teeth removal?
PM done
Request for wisdom tooth removal, xray, consultation and cleaning price
PM done
Hi there,
May I know what’s the price range for wisdom tooth removal?
PM done
Pm harga
May I know the cost of wisdom tooth extract?
PM done
May I know the cost of wisdom tooth extraction?
Hi, PM done. Please check your email
May I know the cost of wisdom tooth extraction?
PM done. Please check your email. For faster response, please kindly WhatsApp us +601165382828. Thank you
Hi, may I check with you how is the pricing for
1. wisdom tooth extraction with surgery
2. coronectomy
PM done. Please check your email. For faster response, you can Whatsapp us +601165382828
May I know how much of minor oral surgery to remove the wisdom teeth
PM done. Please check email. You can whatsapp us +601165382828 for fast response. Thank you
How much is the cost Wisdom tooth removal. Inside the gum and bone.
PM done. You can whatsapp us +601165382828 for faster response. Thank you
Hi there can you advise
a) what is price for consult/xray/procedure for 1 wisdom tooth removal
b) can everything be done in one appointment consult/xray&procedure?
c) can you confirm dissolvable stitches are used so no need to return to clinic again to remove stitches
Looking to travel to JB to do this treatment and will only be in JB for only couple days.
Hi, PM done. Please check your email. For faster response, please whatsapp us at +601165382828. Thank you.