牙科X光 | 新山牙科


在The Smile Dental Lounge,我们的牙医使用牙科X光(也称为X射线)来帮助诊断在常规口腔检查中看不见的蛀牙和疾病。 是否需要X光取决于各个因素,例如口腔健康,年龄,疾病风险以及症状。  


dental x-ray


Bitewings X光显示上下牙齿的牙冠部分。它们可用于检测蛀牙,特别是牙缝间的蛀牙,牙周病牙骨流失的早期征兆,牙冠的安装和修复。 

Periapical radiograph

Periapical radiograph Pa)是口腔内射线照相,显示从牙冠到牙根和周围骨骼。用于检测牙根病变(如牙根脓肿)。因此,通常在根管治疗时会使用。

OPG The Smile Dental Lounge Johor Bahru

Dental Panoramic Tomography (OPG) 牙科全景X光


Lateral Cephalogram 侧面颅骨图

以校准的位置拍摄面部侧面的侧面颅骨图(Lat Ceph),以便可以进行精确的测量(头部分析)来确定上下颚的关系。这在计划和评估矫正的治疗进展和结果时特别有用。 

断层扫描(3D CBCT)

3D立体断层扫描 (CBCT) is an advance 3D imaging modality by using cone-shaped X-ray beam to capture accurate three dimensional information of the jaws and teeth. The 3D image can then be utilized in diagnosis, digital workflow in planning and even manufacturing surgical guide in implant dentistry. The radiation dose of CBCT is just a fraction compared to conventional medical CT scan. 


在The Smile Dental Lounge,我们遵循国际放射防护委员会的指导原则和“ ALARA”原则来减低辐射剂量。 ALARA代表“尽可能合理地降低”,这意味着即使剂量很小,即使获益不超过风险,我们也应尽量避免使用X光。  


每种牙科X光都涉及辐射。但是暴露水平非常低,比如单次periapical radiograph所产生的剂量大约是一天的自然暴露值。全景X光产生的剂量更低于飞行5小时的宇宙射线。 




X-ray radiation

牙科X光 与孕妇安全

Despite the myth, studies of pregnant patients receiving dental care have affirmed the safety of dental treatment. The FDA, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American College of Radiology have all agreed that dental X-rays is safe for pregnant woman. They release a joint publication in 2017 stating that “when properly done, do not involve any risk to the unborn child”. But if you are uncertain like many new mothers, feel free to consult our dentist for more information about getting dental x-rays while pregnant, before making a decision. 


Read more about CBCT 点击这里。

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